
Last Friday, the Development Logics office was filled with excitement as employees and interns gathered for a day of fun activities. It was a great chance for everyone to relax and connect outside of their usual work routines.

The day started with a warm welcome from our event organiser, who explained the schedule and the different activities planned. Everyone was excited and eager to participate. There was a mix of individual and group activities, making sure everyone had a chance to join in the fun.

One of the first activities was the balloon walking contest. In this game, participants had to balance a balloon on their heads while walking from one end of the room to the other. It was not as easy as it sounded! There were lots of laughs as balloons fell and people tried to keep their balance. This game brought out the playful side in everyone and set the tone for the day.

Next up was the tongue twister challenge. Each person took turns trying to say tricky phrases without stumbling. It was hilarious to hear the funny mistakes and see everyone trying their best. This activity brought out the competitive spirit in a fun and friendly way. People were cheering each other on, and there were lots of giggles all around.

As the day came to an end, we had a prize distribution ceremony. Winners of the various contests were recognized and received small gifts. The prizes added a special touch to the event, making everyone feel appreciated for their efforts. The ceremony was filled with applause, smiles, and a sense of achievement.

Overall, the day was a huge success. It was filled with joy, laughter, and lots of fun. It was a perfect reminder of the importance of taking a break, having fun, and building connections with colleagues.

At Development Logics, we believe that such events are crucial for maintaining a healthy and happy workplace. We look forward to more such events in the future, where we can continue to create wonderful memories together.