
The utmost objective of a website is to convert an anonymous and first time visitor to an actively engaging and registered user. The main challenge is to make this website conversion process easier while collecting valuable demographic information that can be leveraged later on for digital marketing purpose and personalizing user experience.

Established best practices in website registration simplify the process of collection of user data without compromising the conversion rates for your B2B websites.

1.) Faster websites
Test your website’s speed using Google’s free page speed insights that provides valuable data about your site’s performance such as scores and suggestions to improve your score. Reduced page load times substantially decreases the bounce rates and increases the conversion rates.

2.) Do not put password and registration restrictions
Password restrictions as this lead to higher bounce rates. Users today hate creating new passwords and like to use their already existing passwords that are easy to remember.High traffic websites such as those of the banking sector that require user sign ups should not put password restrictions as this may decrease the conversion rates. Allow users to register entirely or partially with their social media logins that saves considerable registration times and increases conversions.

3.) Make the Forgot Password Option Easily accessible
Make the Forgot Password option easily accessible 40% of the users use the forgot password occasionally.This should be present right on the registration page and should stand out in terms of visibility and ease of use.

4.) Keep the Website Registration Process Precise
Limit your website registration forms to 2 or 3 fields that results in the best conversion rates. Findings suggest that the conversion rates improve by 50% if the fields are reduced. There should be options for form reloads with saved information if the user fails to fill certain fields. If the user is required to fill from the start he is more likely to leave the site and looks for easier sign up options with other competitor websites.

5.) Optimize your website registration form for mobile devices
Check through Google Analytics as to how many visitors visit through their mobile sites. 90% of the users today like to navigate the web through their smart phones and mobile devices such as tablets.Hence optimize your mobile websites for registration forms so that it is easier to register using mobile devices.